Contact us 24/7 to make an appointment or get information for a Vitrectomy Surgery:

You can reach us at +90 (539) 575 91 14.


What is Vitrectomy?


We can define vitrectomy (retina surgery) or Pars Plana Vitrectomy surgery as the process of emptying the vitreous, a jelly-like substance that fills the large space at the back of the eye.


What is Vitrectomy Done For?


The eye works similarly to a camera where light passes through the lens at the front of the eye and then focuses on the 'film' (retina) behind. Between the lens and the retina, the back of the eye is filled with a transparent gel-like vitreous substance.


Vitrectomy, the surgical removal of the vitreous, is done for many reasons. There are many retinal diseases that can cause deterioration of the vitreous, such as diabetic retinopathy and retinal detachment. When the vitreous fluid loses its transparency, the person's vision deteriorates. After the operation, the eye is filled with either air or gas bubbles. This depends on the condition being treated.


How Long Does Vitrectomy Take?


This may take an hour or several hours, depending on the condition of the surgery. The procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia.


Why is it necessary to stay in a certain position after surgery?


In order to contribute to the success of the operation, it is necessary to keep the patient's head in a certain position. It may be desirable to maintain this position for one to three weeks. A certain head posture can include both waking hours and sleeping hours, and how the patient should position varies depending on the condition being treated. For conditions such as retinal detachment or macular hole, the eye is completely replaced with air or gas; The aim is to apply pressure to the treated area. If the patient stands upright, the gas bubble does not fully compress the macular hole at the back of the eye and the macular hole may not close. The only way to get the gas bubble to press against the macula is to lie down on your face. In addition, it is necessary to look towards the ground by tilting the head forward. While awake, it is necessary to position the head for 50 minutes every hour for five days. It is recommended to sleep on both sides or face down. Walking is allowed in the postoperative period, it is recommended to look down as much as possible while walking. Sitting activities should be made easier with the use of special posture equipment. This equipment helps relieve neck tension by supporting the patient's face during the face-down posture. Since there is a hole in the middle of the face cushion, it allows activities such as reading, close working. The eye can also be filled with silicone oil. If silicone is used, another surgery will be needed to remove it.


In the days after the surgery, vision improves gradually, and it may take weeks to fully recover.


To get an appointment and information for vitrectomy, contact us 24/7:


You can reach us at +90 (539) 575 91 14.


* The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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