

The most important reason why glaucoma is described as an insidious disease; This is because it is noticed in the advanced stages of vision loss. This disease can be seen in all age groups as well as in newborn babies.


Glaucoma starts slowly and inconspicuously at first in the eye, then progresses rapidly and causes permanent damage to the optic nerves that will lead to irreparable vision loss.


What is glaucoma?


Glaucoma is an insidious disease that can result in loss of vision if not diagnosed and treated early. For this reason, eye pressure should be checked every year as a regular eye examination.


Causes of Glaucoma


The pressure in the eye rises due to the inability to empty the intraocular fluid, which is secreted in the eye and necessary for the nourishment of the eye. The increased intraocular pressure also damages the optic nerve cells.


Glaucoma Symptoms


  • Headaches that become more pronounced in the morning,
  • Blurred vision from time to time,
  • Seeing luminous rings around lights at night,
  • Pain around the eyes while watching TV


Glaucoma Treatment


After the diagnosis of glaucoma, the aim of treatment today is to stop the damage of the optic nerve by lowering the eye pressure and to prevent the progression of vision loss. The methods that can be applied for this purpose can be divided into three as drug treatment, laser treatment and surgical treatment. Although drug therapy is generally the first method chosen after diagnosis, laser therapy or surgical treatment methods are applied in patients who do not respond adequately to drug treatment, direct laser interventions or surgical methods are also used, especially in cases diagnosed in the late period or in which continuous drug use is not appropriate. available. Significant advances have been made in drug therapy in glaucoma in recent years, and effective new drugs have greatly increased the success of the treatment. The important thing in drug treatment is that the patient uses the drugs regularly. Surgical methods used in cases that do not use drugs or do not respond to drug treatment have been increasingly successful in recent years, and can provide effective treatment by eliminating the necessity of continuous drug use.


* The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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