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VEP test, ERG test, multifocal ERG test and some other electrophysiological tests are objective tests that provide very important information to the physician in terms of eye health.


In the Pattern VEP test (PVEP), the patient looks at the red dot in the middle of a chessboard pattern on a screen approximately 1 meter in front of him. Meanwhile, black squares start to turn white and white squares turn black at regular intervals. During this change, the responses that occur in the visual center of the person are recorded with the help of electrodes placed on the back of the head. Patient compliance is essential for PVEP testing. The PVEP test provides valuable information about how much a person sees. The PVEP test can also be used in the diagnosis and treatment follow-up of some diseases such as multiple sclerosis and optic nerve diseases.


The word 'pattern' in the pattern VEP test means 'pattern'. In this test, the electrical response in the visual center of the patient's brain is recorded with the help of an electrode placed on the skull, while the patient looks at a pattern of black and white squares in the form of a checkerboard on a screen about 1 meter in front of him. By evaluating the answers obtained, information about the patient's vision level is obtained. By evaluating the delays in the response obtained with the pattern VEP test, the effect of mass or other lesions in the brain or orbital canal on the visual pathways can be evaluated.


The pattern VEP test is a very valuable test. With the pattern VEP test, objective findings about the patient's visual status are obtained in medicolegal conditions or other psychological processes. It gives information about the activity of MS disease in conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which slows down the transmission between nerve cells in the brain, and gives information about MS patients who do not have clinical symptoms but show subclinical activity.


In addition, the pattern VEP test is used in the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment evaluation of any retinal or optic nerve disease.


Full-field ERG test


The full-field ERG test is an electrophysiological test that provides invaluable information on the functioning of the retina in general. With the ERG test, the entire retina is stimulated with a light stimulus and the response obtained from the entire retina is recorded as a single response. Therefore, the ERG test is affected in diseases in which a large part of the retina is affected. ERG test gives very valuable information especially in the diagnosis of genetically transmitted retinal diseases (such as chicken black or retinitis pigmentosa) or in the follow-up of retinal problems due to diabetes.




It is the process of recording the electrical responses of the visual cells in the retina.


* The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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