Intravitreal Injection (Eye Injection)

Many retinal diseases such as age-related macular edema and macular edema can be treated by your eye doctor by injecting drugs such as Altuzan and Eylea into the eye.


Conditions Treated with Intravitreal Injections:

- Macular degeneration (especially Age-Related Macular Degeneration)

- Diabetic Retinopathy

- Retinal Vein Occlusions

- In general, any retinal condition caused by new blood vessel growth and fluid leakage can benefit from injections.

How does it work:
When anti-VEGF drugs are injected into the eye, they stop the growth of new blood vessels. These new blood vessels are bad because they grow abnormally and bleed into the eye. In some retinal diseases, blood vessel growth is controlled by a growth factor called VEGF. Anti-VEGF drugs interrupt this process, which should slow down the growth and associated swelling. Steroids are used only in patients who do not respond to anti-VEGF drugs.

The injection will be done carefully using a very fine needle. Initially, you may need to have an injection every month. Injections may be given less frequently or stopped altogether after the disease has slowed.


Side Effects and Complications:
Intravitreal injections are very safe. In some diseases, drugs are so effective that doctors use them instead of surgery. Side effects are rare, but can include:
- eye irritation
- Intraocular Bleeding
- Floaters (blurred black shapes moving in your field of view)
- Increased eye pressure
- Infection
- There is a small risk of systemic vascular complications, especially if you have any heart or blood pressure problems.

To get an appointment and information for Intraocular Injection, contact us 24/7:
You can reach us at +90 (539) 575 91 14.

* The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.








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