What is Argon Laser?


Argon laser is a method used for therapeutic purposes for diseases that occur in the eye vessels due to chronic diseases such as diabetes. It is used for the treatment of retinal diseases and is applied to protect the existing visual function of the patient. Retinal diseases have symptoms such as seeing objects such as bright rings in the eyes, blurred vision, redness, and edema. Argon laser therapy, which is the latest technology discovery, is applied in the treatment of diseases.


What is an Argon Laser Used for?


When using an argon laser, which consists of a tube and contains electricity and argon gas through this tube, it creates a blue or green light when applied. This light is captured by the retina and aids in coagulation. It is also used to correct problems such as tears and holes in the retina.


Argon Laser Treatment


Argon laser treatment is a form of treatment that does not tire the patient. The patient sits in the examination chair. There is no need to make a needle for local or general anesthesia to the patient. By means of the blue or green light coming out of the end of the argon laser tube, it is provided to stop the bleeding by providing coagulation in cases such as bleeding. In the same way, treatment is applied by welding the vessels that show abnormal development. After the treatment, which is completed with several sessions at quarter-hour intervals, the patient goes home. With laser treatment, precautions can be taken for complications such as tears that may occur in the eye in the future. No pain is felt during laser treatment. First of all, the patient who comes to the hospital for argon laser treatment is talked to and information about the procedure is given. Necessary preparations for the procedure are made by removing their concerns. Before the procedure, eye drops are dripped into the eye to prevent pain. Lens, microscope and laser are used for the procedure. With the help of the lens and examination microscope, the problems in the eye are examined. Depending on the problem in the eye, the required laser laser treatment is applied.


Situations in which Argon Laser Treatment is Used


As the chronic disease, sugar, is high and untreated, it causes undesirable problems in the eyes. One of these is to cause blood in the retina and to lose the eyesight of the eyes. Argon laser treatment is applied in diseases that cause damage such as tearing and hole in the optic nerves for some reasons, undesired metamorphosis in the eye, and diseases that cause leakage and bleeding in the vessels. Argon laser treatment is applied to help reduce the fluid that causes intraocular pressure for the treatment of glaucoma, which is an insidious disease and causes blindness in its advanced stage. Argon laser treatment is also used to cut the stitches placed in the eye after surgical treatment of glaucoma.


Possible Problems After Argon Laser Treatment


Argon laser therapy is a form of treatment that requires working in harmony with the patient. Some undesirable problems can be seen after laser treatment, which helps to repair conditions such as tears by making use of an intraocular lens and a microscope. If argon laser treatment is applied by experts in the field, only edema and slight changes in the field of vision are seen after the treatment. Edema disappears over time. Infection may occur after application that is not performed by specialists. Likewise, as a result of the patient not paying attention to the doctor's recommendations, bleeding and decreased movements may occur in and around the eyelid. Infection may occur in the optic nerves, and nerve fibers may be damaged in the same way. Post-laser patients should avoid eye make-up. Do not use perfumes with high alcohol content. Smoking should be restricted. After argon laser treatment, problems such as shrinkage of the eye layers, deformity, and glare may occur. You should heed your doctor's recommendations for a quick recovery.


* The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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