Auto Refractometer (Autorefractor)

Refraction means the refraction of light. The task of the cornea and lens is to refract the rays coming into the eye and focus them on a single point on the retina. Insufficient or excessive refraction of the cornea and lens to focus the rays on the retina is called refractive error, in other words, refraction error. There are three types of refractive errors: myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The autorefractometer device is a device that automatically measures the refractive error of the eye.


It should be remembered that the measurement results obtained from the autorefractometer device are not the glasses glass degrees that the person should use. The glasses numbers are determined by the ophthalmologist after the examination, in which many factors are taken into account and evaluated, together with the auto refractometer measurement.


* The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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